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My Reiki Journey

Writer's picture: Crystal PollardCrystal Pollard
My mom and me
My mom and me in 2012

Thirteen years ago I began my Reiki journey. I didn't even know what Reiki was back then. I learned about it in a hospital room while visiting my mom back in 2012. I had no idea how that day would change my path in life.

My mom was in a motorcycle accident back in 2007 that left her quadriplegic. One of the things I didn't know about quadriplegics was that because they have no feeling from the chest down, they are very susceptible to pneumonia because they can't properly cough to release phlegm. So, my mom was in and out of the hospital a lot with pneumonia.

One day in 2012 when she was in the hospital for a pretty bad pneumonia case, I was visiting her when a friend from her church showed up. He said he was there to help with her healing by doing some Reiki on her. He let me watch. As soon as I saw him doing Reiki, I said, "I want to learn that for horses!" So I spoke to the man afterwards and he gave me the contact info for his instructor. I contacted his instructor and signed up for the next Reiki class. It was a people Reiki class, but I didn't care. I wanted to learn this.

I took classes and practiced over the course of a year and a half. Eventually I became Master certified, achieving the highest level of Reiki training, and now able to teach and offer it for money. I was unable to find hardly anybody doing Reiki on horses in Minnesota at that time. I found Europe had many places for equine Reiki, even training and Reiki centers together. So I studied books from Europe. I did find one equine Reiki practitioner in Minnesota, Jenny Gott. She was kind enough to invite me to her barn to learn more about her practice and let me practice on her horse.

Reiki is tricky. It's energy healing. Everything living is energy. We are all made up of atoms bouncing off atoms. When things happen to us in life either physically or mentally, our energy becomes unbalanced. Reiki is the rebalancing of the energy. And it manifests in different ways. It can help speed up the healing time, reduce scars, help emotionally rebalance people and animals and mentally recenter you.

But, the reason I say it's tricky - at least on humans - is because we have the placebo effect. I would practice on my mom all the time and she would tell me she could feel her legs when I would do it. Many people said they felt better after a session. But, did they because of the Reiki working or just because they THOUGHT it was working?

This is why I love working on animals so much. There is no placebo effect. They can't PRETEND they're better because they think you're helping them. They have no idea what we are doing! But, the results I have seen working on animals - especially horses - has left me with no doubt how powerful this gift is.

When I was first learning Reiki, I would practice on every living thing I could! We were living onsite while I was managing a farm. There was a Thoroughbred who was new there and had previously raced. I was doing chores in the morning, and had a few extra minutes so I figured I'd go try my Reiki on the new horse.

He was in a stall and was a bit skittish. When I walked into the stall with him, he immediately went to the back of the stall. Slowly I approached him as he watched. When I begin my Reiki, I do a body scan where I run my hands over the entire body of the person or animal to see if I feel any difference in their energy. When I did that with this horse, a spot on his hind leg felt hot. So, I focused my energy there for about 5 minutes.

After the time was up, I walked to the stall door. I heard a noise behind me and turned to look. The horse had followed me to the door. I turned around to face him, and he came over and placed his forehead on my chest. He was thanking me. I stood there in awe.

That was one of the first days I knew this worked. I was actually helping these animals. They know, and understand that I am helping them.

Since then I have worked on all sorts of animals from dogs, cats, mice, raccoons, goats, sheep, to horses. I travel to homes and barns to help both people and their horses. Horses are my favorite animal to work on not only because they're my favorite animal, but they are SO energetic! They respond really well to Reiki. And generally really like it.

In 2013 I helped my mom pass gently with Reiki. It seemed fitting that I learned about it from her, and it was the last gift I could give her to help her smoothly pass over. I am eternally grateful for this gift I get to share with people and animals to help them.



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